Repair Causes Rain

We were able to repair a sprinkler system for a nice Homeowner’s Association this week that had been neglected, instead of having to totally replace it like some had suggested. We love to help people save money! But…as we finished it started to rain! Oh well, I’m sure they will need it sometime soon 🙂
Irrigation System Tips, Avoid Costly Repairs

Irrigation systems are very reliable and need little care for the most part. There are a few things that will help keep your system up and running. The first thing is make sure you water on the correct days and times. Odd address homes water on Wednesday and Saturday, even address homes water on Thursday […]
Watering Guidelines

The new watering guideline notice came recently changing the rules of the game for some of us. In the past there were no restrictions on how you irrigated your turf. The guidelines involved days of the week and times of watering. That has all changed. Starting November 1, only 50 % of the turf area […]
Prevention Now Saves Water Later

During the winter months irrigation systems typically do not get used as much. There are a couple of things you can do to keep your system in good shape and some easy things you can do to fix a couple of problems. One of the most common things to go wrong is the system not […]